Did you know that in the Heart lies a neural structure that looks like our brain? And that our heart influences our functions of the brain? There is a magnetic field in our heart that is 500-5000 times stronger than our brain. We can now measure this magnetic field that influences the nervous system of others even though they are a few meters away from you. Surprised?
The Heart, for centuries, is said to be the centre of our emotions, intuition, wisdom, passions and love. But new studies have shown that the heart itself is like a independent brain that helps us to communicate and how emotions are influenced by. The highly complex nerve system around the heart contains about 40'000 neurons that communicate with our brain that influences our perception and mental processing. The nerves from the heart transmit to the Medulla in the brain and continue into the higher centres such as the Amygdala, a gland that is important for our instincts, emotions and fear. The interesting part is that Scientists have now discovered that the 'Heartbrain' can independently of Brain and nervous system 'think' for itself.
What is really interesting is that the magnetic field of the heart is about 60 times stronger than that of the brain. And it can be measured a few meters away from the person. The Scientist of the Heart Math explain that negative emotions show very disturbed rhythmic patterns, whereas positive emotions such as love, joy and other uplifting feelings show a harmonious and balanced magnetic field pattern. We now know that hearts of 2 people do synchronise and it is therefore important to feel into your heart and whether this connection is healthy or unhealthy for you from a psychological perspective.
"The whole Universe is in your body, the heart controlls the whole body and so, the heart is the centre of the Universe" Sri Ramana Maharshi
The light in your heart can counterbalance the negativity of thousands of people who are stuck in the lower consciousness. A study conducted by German researchers at the University of Kassel has shown that, while the average persons' chest area emits only 20 biophotons of light per second, someone meditating on their heart centre emits an astonishing 100'000 photons per second. That is 5000 times more than the average person.
And numerous studies have shown that when these photons are imbued with a loving and healing intention, their frequency and vibration rises to the point where they can literally change matter, heal diseases and transform negative events.